How has this week been for you? Lockdown Number Two started in England and while it stopped us as a family doing all sorts of activities, I did manage to take this ‘figure of eight’ photograph of a sparkler.

The photo is a joint effort between my youngest daughter and I. I’ll save you the technical details, suffice it to say that I was the one waving the sparkler around, but Izzy was instrumental in getting the camera to behave so it would focus on me.
Aside from that, it’s been a very odd week. On Monday, just before the Lockdown Number Two got underway, I made a flying visit back home to the Cotswolds to see my mum. I hadn’t seen her since July, so it was nice to catch up.
The journey took me right past one of my oldest friend’s house (he’s called Steve). I turned up completely unannounced and Steve and I had a quick chat before I went on to see mum.
The weird thing about both these visits? I found myself wishing both mum and Steve a happy Christmas and a happy new year. I hope this sounds realistic as opposed to pessimistic, but I don’t think the lockdown rules will permit us to see each other again this year.
Even if the rules are eased, I think it will be very difficult for families and friends to meet up. There are bound to be limits on the number of people who can gather and travel restrictions are likely to remain in place.
Although it was great to meet them both, I felt pangs of guilt because Mrs Adams can’t see her family at all. They’re all in Scotland where the rules are a bit tighter. It’s such a weird time and I feel for her and her family.
Moving on from COVID-19, the week was bizarre for one other reason. I have sat two GCSE maths exam papers (read about it in detail here).
I failed GCSE maths at school, but during the first lockdown started studying maths with the aim of taking the GCSE again. I have no particular reason for doing this, other than I feel I should be better at the subject. With Helen having just started secondary school, it’s also an interesting experience as it gives me a better idea what she will go through in a few years time.
I have one more exam paper to go and then I simply have to wait for the results. It has been a slightly odd experience sitting a GCSE again at my age, but it has also been strangely enjoyable.
To obtain what is considered a pass under the new grading system, I need to get a 4. If I am to be completely honest, I’m not sure I will pass with a grade 4 on this occasion. Sitting the exam this time was a bit of an experiment as I have only been studying since April.
Nonetheless, it’s been a good experience and if I don’t make the grade, I shall simply sit the IGCSE exam (International GCSE) in January. While I am not particularly enthralled to be experiencing Lockdown Number 2, if it wasn’t for the first national shut down I wouldn’t have improved my knowledge of algebra, geometry and long division. We have to keep looking on the bright side, right?     Â
Photographers and bloggers! If you like this image, do follow this link to the #MySundayPhoto linky that’s hosted by the Darren Coleshill photography blog. You’ll find a variety of images taken by keen photographers and it’s always worth exploring.
14 thoughts on “Lockdown Number Two begins”
Fascinating photo – take care and stay safe! #MySundayPhoto
Thanks Carol, it was fun to shoot. You take care as well.
Stay safe and good luck on your exam!
Thanks Tamar. I’ll get the exam result in February.
Fantastic infinity shot, that’s just how lockdown 2 feels to us as we only came out of shielding 3 weeks ago, not seen any of our family since March, gladvto hear you caught up with your friend and mother
Ah, yes, it is an infinity shot I guess isn’t it? Hadn’t thought of it like that. Here’s hoping you won’t have to shield again.
I’ve never been able to capture a good sparkler image, very well done on yours.
Hope the lockdown goes well, I had high hopes we might catch up before the end of the year but that’s looking less and less likely.
Thank you for linking up to #MySundayPhoto
Oh Darren, a catch up would be great. If lockdown restrictions are eased, who knows, maybe we could make it work.
What a brilliant photo!
Well done with the teamwork between you and Izzy.
I am glad you got to see your mum and your friend.
Good on you for retaking your GCSE’s. I know when my eldest was revising for hers a couple of years ago I was lost with it all. Maths wasn’t my strongest subject at school and so much seems to have changed since then. x
Oh teaching methods have changed and the standards expected of youngsters have changed as well. Glad you liked the picture Kim. It was great teamwork!
Well done with the maths exam, fingers crossed for the second paper and hopefully you will pass. You’ve just reminded me I have some sparklers in the shed, I was hoping to be able to use them with my granddaughter, but hey ho, maybe next year. Merry Christmas to you all while I’m here also. Lovely you were able to see your mum and old friend #mysundayphoto
And a happy Christmas to you as well! I am sure the sparklers will keep until next year (unless, that is, you want to take a photo like mine).
I am in awe of you doing your maths GCSE! I actually got a B, but I was never very good at it. When I hear my kids talk about maths now I don’t have the foggiest what they are going on about.
It must have been lovely to catch up with your mum and Steve after so long.
You got a B! You must be AWESOME at maths Sarah! And yes, it was good to catch up with Steve and my mum but as I say, really odd to be wishing them a happy Christmas at the beginning of November.