I hardly need to point out the past few weeks have been very strange. As a family, I think we adjusted to the ‘new normal’ of lockdown life with incredible speed, but for the first couple of weeks it was all about ensuring Helen and Izzy were settling into being homeschooled and weren’t too stressed by the situation. We have had a few issues along the way (more about them on the blog shortly), but without the pressure of school runs, after school clubs and with Mrs Adams also being at home, we have had some great times and are making memories.

This photograph shows one such example. Helen, Izzy and I made the most of the empty roads and glorious sunshine earlier this week and had a small cycling excursion during our daily, Government mandated exercise.
Just before we made it back to our bikes and returned home, the two kids climbed up to the top of this stile and I couldn’t resist taking a picture of them. It’s not an award-winning photograph, but I love the way they’re looking out into the field and are framed by the branches of the trees on either side of where they are sitting.
We had great fun during our cycle ride and walk. We explored the woods and played a game that involved using imaginary superhero powers.
It was also a joy to take the children cycling because the roads around us are so quiet. It’s an unforeseen benefit of this lockdown situation and I fully intend to take them out cycling when I can.
One further thing to say about this image. If you look closely, both Helen and Izzy have plaited hair. After years of promising myself I’d learn this skill, I have at long last done it. It took a pandemic and the kids not going to school for and I don’t claim to the the best, but I have grasped the basics.
My next challenge will be learning to braid. I won’t take as long to learn that skill. I plan to get on to it immediately!
As a comparison to the top of this post, I also thought I’d post the photograph below. I took it back in 2016 and it’s an image I love. Izzy was much younger then so had to look on as her older sister climbed the gate. As you can see, four years later, she was quite capable of climbing herself.

I hope you are getting on okay living the socially-distanced life. It is tough, but I’m finding there are lighter and funnier moments. I’m just trying to make the best of the situation.
Noticing that we’re all socially distanced and need something to fill the time, the wonderful Darren Coleshill over at the Photalife blog has re-launched his #MySundayPhoto blog linky. I’ve added thi spost to the linky and I suggest you take a look if you enjoy photography. Simply follow this link.
14 thoughts on “Making memories in these strange times”
What a lovely photo – and congratulations on finally learning to plait!
There are definitely some positives to be taking from these strange times and we need to focus on those as much as possible.
Yup, got to focus on the positives Sarah. I just wonder what the future holds?
A fantastic picture.
There’s definitely silver linings to having to stay at home. Cycling in beautiful weather is one of them!
Making good memories is so important.
Yes, silver linings all over the place. It’s very odd yet reassuring to. I wonder what the new normal will look like?
Gorgeous photos John. It’s important to make memories at this time as our children will remember this for the rest of their lives.
This whole situation has unearthed a few things about our lives that will be hard to go back to ‘normal’.
I fully expect lots of companies and people working from home on a full-time basis now.
Thank you for linking up to #MySundayPhoto ❤️
Absolutely right Darren. I don’;t think we’re going back to “normal” but to a “new normal.” Thanks for bringing #MySUndayPhoto back during this time.
I was just reading an article about bicycle shops over here selling out as everyone looks to take advantage of the car-free streets. It is amazing how many little positives have come out of otherwise terrible circumstances. Two beautiful photos, it is nice to be able to compare the two moments in time.
Yeah, a lot more cyclists on the roads out here. And the roads are full of people trying to socially distance from people on the pavements! it is odd, but there are a lot of positives from all of this.
Such a lovely and fun photo. It is all about making some positive memories around these strange times. I know that it is hard, but hoping that’s what I can achieve too. Well done on learning to plait, my OH has been doing this for little miss too. Hope you are doing ok. Hugs
Thanks Susan and hugs to you also. I think we’re all doing the best we can and we can do no more. Hope everything is okay with you up there?
Love the tiktok I created an account but just can’t work out how to use it. Lovely that you have such quiet roads around you and I love your new normal
I get the impression not everyone has the quiet roads we do which is a shame. Alas, this new normal won’t last forever.
Definitely a tough skill to learn is doing a plait. One I’ve half mastered as a father of girls myself.
One memory that will stick with us through this is the incredible oppertunity us parents have of educating our children. One thing in life I’m sure many parents never expected to do but we are now.
As I’ve mentioned about your photography before your pictures are looking amazing, the one of Helen and izzy is definitely a frame worthy snap.
Yes Eddie, I am going to be getting this image on a canvas! Thanks for your kind words about my photography and you’re right about these weird times being an opportunity.