
Operation Moon Shot

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I have been waiting years to get a photograph like this of the Moon. I’ve stood around in the cold for ages, experimented using filters, tried using my phone and my DLSR on all manner of settings but at long last, I have had some luck. It was my own, personal Operation Moon Shot and it was only possible thanks to a telescope I bought for the kids to keep them entertained during lockdown.

Photograph of the moon, my own Operation Moon Shot.
Operation Moon Shot. It’s taken me years and numerous attempts to get an image of the Moon as detailed as this.

The reality is that I’m still flummoxed as to how I managed to take this image. I wish I could tell you it was snapped in manual mode, with delicate settings and a host of exotic filters attached to my camera, but nothing could be further from the truth.

All I did was hold my phone’s camera lens up to the eye piece of my daughters’ telescope and, voila, this was the result. Sure, the perfectionist in me can pick a few points I could improve on, but the fact remains I had never before taken a Moon image as detailed as this.

Oddly, the sky was blue when I took the picture because it was late afternoon at the time. As you can see, for some reason the background has come out looking like the night sky.

The telescope was a gift I got Helen and Izzy as they both love to do a bit of star spotting. I got it for them just after Christmas, but the weather has been so awful recently that we only used it properly for the first time the other day.

I’m pleased to say the girls were impressed with my photograph. I’ve now got to do one better and try and take a picture of a full or new moon!

As is my custom with my photography posts, I’m adding this one to the #MySundayPhoto blog link up hosted by the Darren Coleshill blog. Follow this link to see imagery shared by other keen photographers and bloggers. Do also check out my other photography posts.

7 thoughts on “Operation Moon Shot”

  1. Congrats that is a fine photo of the moon. i tried once or twice but have given up, I lack the patience. It was particularly spectacular in Dubai on Tuesday morning when I travelled to the airport #mysundayphoto

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