This week has been a bit of an emotional one for this family. Our youngest daughter, Izzy, started school. As a result, much of my time has been spent dealing with Izzy and getting her prepared and I haven’t a huge amount of time to get out with my camera.

The photograph above is of a vintage car that was on display at a car show I visited with Helen and Izzy a couple of weeks ago. It was a spur of the moment thing. The children were being exceedingly lively and Mrs Adams was trying to cook Sunday lunch so, knowing this event was on, I took them for a brief visit.
I took a lot of pictures but this particular image stood out. It is of a Chrysler, although I have no idea what the model is.
The particular vehicle certainly turned heads. It had a black and white paint job and the skies were very grey so once I flipped the image to B&W, I felt it looked very moody and atmospheric. I also quite like the fact I took the image from a very low angle.
Ideally I’d like to spend a little time editing out the fence in the background and the other car to the left. I just need to find a little time to do it and with the summer holidays ending and Izzy starting school, time has been in short supply.
I’d love to know what you think. Do you think it makes for a moody and atmospheric image? Does it work in black and white? As I usually do on a Sunday, I’ve linked this image to the #MySundayPhoto linky hosted by the Photalife blog. I encourage you to click on the badge below so you can visit the linky so you can see photography from other bloggers.
You may be wondering about Izzy’s first day of school. I’ll be adding a proper update on the blog tomorrow, suffice it to say she did exactly what her sister did: walked into the classroom without even looking back!
It’s been a huge change for her but so far things have gone well. If you have a child who has just started school, I hope it’s gone well for you and your offspring also.

25 thoughts on “A vintage car that turned heads”
Not only have we been doing similar things this week but we’ve both shared a car too! Hehe. I’m glad Izzy got on ok. it makes such a difference when they seem to enjoy it. I hope she carries on having fun. #MySundayPhoto
Oh doesn’t it make such a difference when the kids are happy at school? I feel for those whose kids take a while to settle in. Great minds thought alike wen it came to subject matter, hey?
That is a very cool car and it definitely looks good in black and white. I’m not sure I would even have noticed the fence and the other car.
Glad starting school went well for Izzy.
Should have kept quiet about the visual clutter in the background, hey? Just hoping Izzy continues to enjoy school. The signs are good thankfully.
Hi John, times they are a changing! I love it when people say you won’t know what to do with yourself now both your girls are in school, but I bet you soon fill the void!… Your photo is very gangster-esque and does have a mean and moody feel about it. Old cars do seem to have so much more character than modern cars, I never get the urge to name a passing modern car. It does look good in black & white too.
Hey Debbie, I hadn’t thought about the picture being slightly gangster-like but I get your point! This vehicle certainly had character. As for filling the void, i think it’s already full. I’m doing exactly what I was before, but having more time to do it so stress levels are lower.
I love seeing old cars, they seem so much more than the cars we have now.
I hope Izzy settled in well
Thank you for linking up
Thanks for hosting the linky Darren! Old cars, before the days of aerodynamics, were basically designed to look good weren’t they? This one certainly does and so far, Izzy has settled in well.
Black and White is great! When my boys started school I spent a lot of time pacing and marvelling at the silence but it was amazing how quickly the time was filled.
Oh my time has been very quickly filled, but things genuinely seem more relaxed. The past year has been very stressful. Delighted to hear you liked the car image.
Hope Izzie loves school – great old car pic
School has gone well so far. This will be her first full week. Glad you like the car pic.
lovely car, but i can’t help but think it must cost more to run each year than it’s actually worth. hope the first day went well at school. I’m at the opposite end here, no back to school for me for the first time in 21 years, it’s a bit strange #mysundayphoto
No back to school? As you can tell, we’re a long way off that! I imagine it is strange. As for running costs of the car, I have no idea.
Definitely works in B&W, enhances the ‘classic-ness’ of the car Sounds like Izzy had a great time at school. Our eldest starts in a week… exciting times!
I see what you mean Paul, it does kind-of enhance the classicness of it doesn’t it? Good look when your eldest starts school next week.
It definitely works in black and white, all that glistening body work and so much detail on it. It stands out completely. I’m not sure I’ve ever sat in a vintage car before!
If you want detail, you should have seen some of the other cars. This one was bland in comparison but that was its appeal. It was understated and looked like a timeless classic.
Lovely car which definitely works in black and white – although I’d like to see it in colour too! Hope the Sunday lunch was good on your return! #mysundayphoto
I hope your daughter is settling into school OK.
That is such a beautiful car….I never even noticed the fence or other car until you mentioned them x
ha ha, should have kept quiet about the fence and other car shouldn’t I?? Afraid they kinda jump out at me! And yes, Izzy is, thus far, settling in well to school.
What a fab shot, love the angle, Nick and the boys would love to have seen this. #MySundayPhoto.
I chose the angle carefully, truth be told. I was trying to catch as much visual clutter out of the background as possible. This was one of several very impressive vehicles I have to say.
Love that car, never seen one like that before. It suits the black and white imagery.
Thanks Jane. Yeah, I thought it might work well as a B&W image. I’m quite pleased with the result.