The other day I appeared on a radio show called Made in Croydon. The show was broadcast on Croydon Radio following the recent publication of my book, A modern father (…and dad blogger), which was produced in partnership with a publisher hailing from that part of London called CronxBooks.
The interview was a bit like Desert Island Disks, but sexier. I got to choose three songs; one reflective, one ambitious and one inspirational and spoke about what they mean to me. I won’t reveal what songs I chose, but they were all classics, even if I say so myself.
Along the way the presenter, Ally McKinlay, and I discussed; fatherhood, my book and being a stay at home dad. In a candid moment I also let slip I dodged being drafted into the French military (yes, really!).
To listen to thge podcast, follow this link:
Pic credit: Taddie 88. Sourced from Wikipedia and reproduced under Creative Commons agreement.