One of the first My Sunday Photo images I ever posted was of my eldest jumping in a very muddle puddle. Skip forward 18(ish) months and this is what you get; both my kids jumping in a muddy puddle.
I like this shot because of the way both children are looking down, inspecting the water and mud. Although I had my camera with me I took this on my iPhone because I stupidly left the camera turned on and the battery was flat.
The image is far from perfect (Elizabeth’s head is totally out of focus) but it is full of character. It was also great to see the two of them having fun together. I hope you like it too!
As ever I have linked this to the #MySundayPhoto linky hosted by the OneDad3Girls blog. Click on the badge to visit the blog and see what images other bloggers have been taking this week.
18 thoughts on “Muddy Puddles, My Sunday Photo, 16/11/2014”
It’s a fab photo capturing the moment really nicely. Kids and muddy puddles eh? That’s a pretty big one though 🙂
i really wish now that id spent more time when the children were little in puddles, enjoy
Oh I love it, puddle jumping is so much fun.
It’s a lovely photo (and we might not have noticed the out of focus head if you hadn’t mentioned it!). There’s been some seriously big puddles this week.
I love this image, perfect capture of childhood! Lovely to look back on to as now you have both images of one and then two! #MySundayPhoto
fab picture they look like they are loving splashing in that puddle! #mysundayphoto
What a great shot, like you said there’s bits that photographically aren’t perfect but the two girls together having fun inspecting the water is really cute.
This is a nice photo! The moment is nice and even if I cant see their faces I know that they are happy! Puddles are just a joy to kids! #mysundayphoto
Hasn’t it been perfect puddle weather, love how they are staring at the water
Looks like a very good puddle! #mysumdayphoto
My two love puddles too. Lovely shot – looks like they are both having a lot of fun and love the way they are really looking at the puddle 🙂
Nothing better than jumping in the puddles especially when you have wellies on! Its a must.
That looks like the best sort of puddle, it’s big and muddy
Thank you for linking up
That looks like a lot of fun!
There is nothing better than the freedom to get wet & explore mummy puddles! I love this photo as it’s obviously spontaneous, captures their curiosity and is very much ‘of the moment’
Good shot
Puddle jumping is such a perfect childhood moment, full of fun and generally action, so slightly fuzzy shots are to be expected – adds to the moment 🙂
Splashing in puddles is so much fun. Great shot.
Great photo, there is nothing better than hearing kids laughter when playing in muddy puddles xx