Sometimes beauty can be found in the strangest places. This image, for instance, is of a decaying sunflower. It was one of thousands of plants that made up a maze I visited with Izzy, my youngest daughter, earlier this week. I visited the same spot a few times over the summer months and back then, this sunflower would have been at least two metres tall, with a bright yellow head full of seeds.

As it happens, I visited the same spot last weekend as well. In what I can only describe as a bizarre and unexpected sight, the maze was awash with parakeets who seemed to be feasting on whatever sunflower seeds they could find (I couldn’t help shooting this short video of the parakeets). I think the parakeets must have stripped this sunflower head of anything that was edible, hence why all that’s left is these veins.
In the untouched version of the photo, the head is contrasted against a blue sky and clouds. More of the detail shone out when it was converted to black and white and so that’s how I’ve left the image.
I like the focus of the picture and also the detail that stands out. It was a complete experiment, I wasn’t sure if I was going to get anything usable but I find it quite captivating.
As I frequently do with my photography posts, I shall be adding this to the #MySundayphoto blog linky. If you want to see further photography from other bloggers, click on the badge below.
I made one further noteworthy observation before Izzy and I left the maze. On several of the sunflower plants were small, fresh blooms. Something tells me the first, hard frost will probably put an end to their attempts to grow, but it was amazing to see the sunflowers doing all they could to preserve their existence. It made quite a parallel to the photograph I took.

25 thoughts on “Sunflower in decay”
I love taking photos of decaying plants, they are just so beautiful. Your sunflower is perfect. Love the focus. #MySundayPhoto
Thanks Tara. I’ll admit the shot was a bit of a flyer, but I think it has worked.
Fascinating texture #MSundayPhoto
Thanks Carol, yes I guess the image does have an interesting texture.
I currently have a sunflower head drying in our sun lounge as I’m hoping to harvest the seeds! #MySundayPhoto
harvest them now before the parakeets get them!
An interesting shot John. The Black and White certainly adds a sense of decay to the shot.
Yeah, B&W does kind of add to the sense of decay doesn’t it? Odd to think the parakeets and sunflowers are so brightly coloured though!
I wondered what this was when I first saw it. Wonderful detail you’ve captured there John.
Thank you for linking up to #MySundayPhoto
Thank you Darren. The idea was to capture the detail. Glad it worked out.
It is an intriguing photo and I would never have guessed what it is. I always like taking photos of decaying hydrangeas, they’re so delicate and beautiful.
Decaying hydrangeas? Now there’s a challenge. I’ll have to find some now.
#mysundayphoto There’s often beauty to be found in nature even when the colours have long since faded.
Indeed there is Mary, part of the reason I was inspired to take this shot. It is beautiful, even if decaying.
Great photo! I have some just outside my back door and the sun catches them at a certain time of day. They are so pretty!
Oh wow, so your’s are still flowering? Never had much luck growing them personally.
Always interesting to see how a place has changed and evolved with frequent visits. Great, unusual, capture! #MySundayPhoto
Yeah, changed a bit in a week. Very odd not to see the parakeets second time around yet amazing to see what they did to the plants.
I wouldn’t have guessed that to be a sunflower. Plants are so interesting when they’re decaying
Ah, so I had you confused? yes, it perhaps does require an explanation.
Awww you have captured the end of summer well X #mysundayphoto
I am afraid that, yes, I have captured the end of summer! Sorry about that.
Hi John, I would never have guessed that was a decayed sunflower head, those parakeets did a good job stripping it. It is a captivating photo and the black and white has certainly brought out the detail. It actually reminds me of a loofah.
Popping by rather late from #MySundayPhoto.
An interesting picture. Most people would have walked straight past it.
I think you’re right, many will have walked past it, especially as it was in a field full of similarly decayed flowers.