I had such grand photographic plans for my blog this week. It was to feature bright flowers to mark Easter. As you can no doubt tell from the image below of this eye-catching light installation , that never came to pass.

Although I did get out and take a few images, I didn’t feel any of the photographs were good enough. I have also been incredibly pre-occupied.
Our house hunt has reached a critical phase. As we’ve accepted an offer on our property, we feel under pressure to find a new family home and to do so quickly to keep the chain intact.
We’ve come up with a shortlist of three houses, each with slightly different, but very strong selling points. Trying to decide which to make an offer on is proving very challenging.
I don’t really ‘do’ spreadsheets, but to try and help us decide I’ve created a spreadsheet for each property listing pros and cons. That spreadsheet presently stretches to 10 pages. I’ve listed train services, how many shops are nearby, school catchment areas, where the closest library is and even the various bus routes the houses are on.
Mrs Adams and I have been going round in circles looking at that spreadsheet. Friends and relatives have even been asked to read it too and give their thoughts.
When not tending to the spreadsheet, I have been filling in paperwork for our conveyancer. I’d forgotten how much paperwork the conveyancer needs to proceed a sale!
As a result, my camera and I haven’t had the most successful week. Instead I present to you here a picture of a light installation I recently saw on Victoria Street in London. I’ve been tinkering with it using Photoshop for weeks but just never quite finished the job.
At night time, the installation really stood out. I’ve reduced the saturation in this image a little and then painted back-in a little of the colour of the lights themselves to make them stand out.
I’ve added this blog post to the awesome #MySundayPhoto linky that’s hosted by the Photalife blog. I strongly recommend clicking on the badge below so you can visit the linky yourself and explore photography from some very talented bloggers.
Considering the significance of the day, may I also wish you a very happy Easter. However you are choosing to spend the day, I hope you have wonderful time.
26 thoughts on “An eye-catching light installation and the story of the massive spreadsheet”
Hi John, the tinkering worked, the lights attract the eye nicely… You must be losing hair with the house move, if the pressure is bad enough to get you setting up spreadsheets ( something I don’t ‘do’ either), then it’s bad. You have to get it right though… Good luck making that choice though.
I’m unsure if I’m going greyer or loosing hair….but something is going on up top yes! I don’t think I have ever created a spreadsheet quite like this before.
Eek! The house stuff sounds very challenging. I hope you find a solution soon. It’s good that they’ve all got lots of positives, so hopefully you will be happy wherever you end up.
Great photo too.
Oh it’s a crazy time Sarah. Certainly challenging but making sure we buy a house that works for us all is the most important thing. I think we’ll all have to compromise a little.
I love the lights of London at night – such a clever capture! #MySundayPhoto
Yeah, this was an amazing installation. I will need to walk past it again at some point to check it was permanent and not a temporary thing.
Good luck with the new house. It’s such a massive decision – and mostly why I’ve lived here for 12 years now! Love your photo. Your tinkering worked, you’ve made the light look alive rather than flat. #MySundayPhoto
It is a massive decision but the time has well and truly come. It is the correct time to move on. This pic has proven to be so popular I may have to tinker with old images more often!
Good luck with the house move, awesome the way you have tinkered with the light very effective #mysundayphoto
This pic is proving unexpectedly popular. Glad you liked it Nigel.
Moving house is a stressful time, your spreadsheet sounds really comprehensive, take your time as much as you can. Love your image, that would have caught my eye too. Happy Easter.
Thanks Fiona. Alas we’re in a chain so time is tight, but we are giving everything as much consideration as we can. Glad you enjoyed the light pic.
How exciting. I love the idea of moving home and finding somewhere new to live. It is not possible yet but hopefully in a few years time. Hope you soon come to a decision on which one to choose 🙂 You captured a beautiful place here, love the windows and light. #MySundayPhoto
It is exciting, but also time and energy consuming. Hope your time to move comes soon enough.
I like the affect you have achieved with the lights. Good luck with moving, I know that pain.
This picture has proven to be more popular than I imagined. More lighting effect pictures needed it would seem!
Good luck k with the house stuff, sounds stressful. I love the lighting effect x
Glad you liked the lighting effect. House move news will be published on the blog!
Happy Easter to you all. My life stood still for 4 months, selling my mums house and helping her find a new home, but she stayed int eh same small town. When it came to our move during the same period I too had lists and spread sheets for public transport and facilities etc. it’s tiring, isn’t it?
Great minds htink alike! That spreadsheet has been invaluable. If you go to the trouble of researching and writing down, it forces you to focus. I can well imagine your life standing still for a while as your mum’s position was sorted out.
Do you think if you have had to set up 10 page spredasheets maybe you haven’t found the right house? Or maybe you just want to be 100% certain. Wishing you all sucess south your need f2f move and Happy Easter.
Thanks for the good wishes Paul. I think we have found the house but it’s a case of concentrating on what is important to us and maybe we needed alittle help on that point.
Very eye-catching John.
Hope the move goes well, you know where I am if I can help
Thank you for linking up to #MySundayPhoto
Very kind of you Darren. I’ll let you know if we need assistance!
The desaturation and paint in works very well, it’s an enticing photo, well done. Good luck on the house, it’s a very daunting task, makes me glad I live in an apartment. You might want to see if there are any improvements being made in the neighborhood you could be on the hook for as well.
Yes, our conveyancer (essentially a lawyer) will be checking the local neighborhood for any improvements. Glad you like the pic, it was a complete experiment.