Another week has gone by where I have found myself either looking after the children, blogging or trying to progress our house purchase. In reality, I have, more often than not, been doing all three at the same time leaving me little time to indulge in photographic hobby.

Waking up particularly early one promising morning, I saw an opportunity to get out with my camera. I left the family sleeping and dashed out of the house in a bid to get photographs as the sun rose.
My aim was to go out with my lensball and get some images as the sun appeared over the horizon. It turned out to be an awesome time for some wildlife spotting in addition to photography as both a woodpecker and a deer crossed my path.
I eventually got myself in position and rattled off lots of pictures with the lensball using different settings and lenses. The results were okay, but I thought I’d try one with my mobile phone and that’s the image presented here.
I can’t deny it, I am much happier taking photographs with a DSLR camera. Every now and again, however, mobile phone pictures produce far superior results and this was one of those occasions.
The original was in colour but I feel this black and white version is much more striking. I’ve seen lots of people using lensballs and producing very colourful pictures so I thought it would be interesting to do the reverse and I think there’s something captivating about it. A black and white sun rise is a bit of a novelty, I’m sure you’ll agree!
Do you have a lensball? Have you been taken in by the lensball craze on Instagram? If you have any hints or tips for using one, please do let me know either on social media or in a comment below. They aren’t always the easiest to use so I’d be keen to hear how other people use them.
I will be adding this picture to the #MySundayPhoto photographic linky hosted by Darren Coleshill who writes the Photalife blog. Last week I spent a little time with Darren in Brighton as he very kindly took some photographs of me on the seafront to promote the Dadbloguk range of t-shirts that’s now available from Grahpic Gear.
If you would like to see what we got up to, follow this link. Alternatively, if you’d like to visit the #MySundayPhoto linky, simply click on the badge below.

21 thoughts on “Black and white sun rise”
Hi John, I’d never know that photo was taken on a phone (mine is really bad). I do like the black and white effect, it’s different. Early mornings are the best, to see a deer or woodpecker would really make my day… I have some ideas for photos using my lens ball but finding time to mess around at the moment is tricky.
Well, yess, finding the time for me is tricky too, hence why I was out of bed at 5.30am! Best ofluck with your lensball and how amazing you couldn’t tell this had been shot on a phone.
That is a very interesting photo with a huge amount of detail. I’m enjoying looking at people’s lensball photos, but haven’t been tempted to get one myself as I take photos more to capture memories than as an actual art form, if that makes sense!
Oh my word, I’m not sure I’m trying to capture art, I just like photography! You do have to have patience with a lensball. If you’re looking to capture memories I see why they might not appeal. Bit of a faff to use a lensball at a kids’ party / wedding / Baptism etc!!
I hope things are going better with the move now, John. Hopefully being able to get out, even for a short while, with your camera/phone helped de-stress a little bit (and seeing the sun rise is always good for the soul). I’m amazed by how much detail you can see in your photo, the grass in particular. #MySundayPhoto
Ohh I love it, I am really intrigued by these lensballs I might have to get one! Popping over from #MySundayPhoto
We’ve just got a lens ball, well actually it was a crystal ball purchased out of a gift shop in Burley but it does the same job. We love the effect! #MySundayPhoto x
That’s such a fun effect. I’m with you my DSLR is usually better but just occasionally the mobile auto gets it right!
Love it! I don’t have a lensball as I am still trying to get to grips with the camera but maybe if I put one on my Christmas list I will be competent enough by then
Very effective, I need to look into getting one of these. They look so much fun
Have a good Sunday and thank you for linking up to #MySundayPhoto
The black and white is very striking indeed, almost magical!
I wasn’t so sure at first but on closer examination I love all the tiny little details you can see and it somehow becomes mystical. I think removing the colour was a brave move, as the sunrise is mostly associated with colour, but black and white adds a whole new dimension to the photo.
stunning photo, looks so mystical and almost can’t tell that it’s a rotated image in the lens ball #mysundayphoto
I’m having fun trying to come up with ideas for my new Lensball. I do find that even with a phone camera you can get some stunning results. I like the B&W result here – really interesting and textured.
Those lensball’s are so clever! It looks like you have been having a lot of fun with it. x
lebsball photos always remind me of fisheye photos even though they’re not, if that makes sense. It’s a very clever little concept though and I love the detail you’ve captured in black and white, removing all the noise!
A very pleasant very different picture. A sunrise is normally all abut the colour, but here you have it all about the detail Almost looks (Dare I say it?) Christmassy. #MySundayPhoto
My phone’s camera is not this good. So much detail! Loving the lensball shots, espevially in black and white. Defintely on my shopping list!
Ah, now I’m a huge fan of phone phoos. So easy and mine does RAW and pro settings (to an extent), so get the focus right, and I’m generally happy. The only time it fails is if you want reliable bokeh. It can definitely be easier using the phone vs camera with my lensball. I don’t need as long arms with my lens!
Interesting to see the black and white. I think I’d have stuck with geometric or buildings with monochrome. I’ve not yet managed a sunrise or sunset with mine yet. (don’t know if you saw my post on lensballs with tips?)
Yep, you are right about the phone camera… sometimes is just gets everything right
Love the capture; very atmospheric. I’ve seen a lot of people playing around with these lensballs lately but not a B&W capture from them #MySundayPhoto