This is possibly the most experimental photograph I have ever taken. At first glance it may not look like much, but it took a lot of effort to get an image of this candelabra reflected in a puddle.

I’ve tried photographing reflections numerous times but it has rarely worked (this being a rare example when I did get reasonable results). Following a thunderstorm earlier in the week, I saw this as my opportunity to try and get some pics of something reflected in a puddle.
I was inspired by something I read on the Digital Photography School website thought this candelabra would make an interesting item to photograph. Passing dog walkers and their animals didn’t make my mission any easier but I persevered.
Rather like the picture of the LEGO model I published last week, it was a case of taking a household item and putting it somewhere unusual to create an interesting pic. You don’t, after all, see cut crystal candelabras in puddles all that often do you? I can’t honestly say I am too surprised that both dog walkers and their animals wanted to know what I was up to!
Once at home I had to tinker with various settings to enhance the image. Of course it wasn’t until I had a full sized image up on my monitor that I noticed the candelabra wasn’t quite straight but c’est la vie, a lesson learned for next time.
That, I find, is the beauty of photography; I’m always learning. I can’t pretend this image is perfect but I have learned a lot about photographing reflections and I will certainly be taking many more pictures like this to improve my skills.
Even so, I find this image very tranquil. I am having a very stressful time as we prepare to move house and I find looking at it very calming. In fact getting out without my camera I see a wonderful way to deal with stress.
Have you attempted photographing reflections? Do you have any advice or tips? If so please do leave a comment below because I’d be delighted to hear them.
I will be linking this image to the #MySundayPhoto linky. This is a marvellous photographic linky for bloggers. It’s hosted by the Photalife blog and if you’re interested in photgraphy, I would recommend you visit by clicking on the badge below.

16 thoughts on “Reflections: A whole new photographic experience”
Hi John, I would have loved to see the looks you were getting as you were trying to get the candelabra ‘just so’ in the middle of a muddy puddle. Who cares, though? It was worth it… When I look at it I see a serpents head coming out of the water. The light catching the top of the candelabra gives it a cobra-like look ( I really should get more sleep maybe?). I like the way the reflection gives the puddle a sense of depth too… Just getting out and away from it all is perfect for handling stress.
More sleep? Far from it, I love hearing what people see in my pictures! A fascinating interpretation. Yes, got a few odd looks and people wondering what on Earth I was doing but hey, that’s the fun of photography!
How unusual. Taking the image sounds quite stressful (I had a little chuckle to myself thinking of the looks the dog walkers were giving you) but I’m glad you find looking at it relaxing. #MySundayPhoto
The only stressful bit was going to take a shot and discovering to my horror I’d left the memory card at home so had to dash back to get one!
The dogs were mostly amusing.
I want to see the photo of you taking this photo
Yes, I think that would have been very amusing! I think a video would have been more amusing, you know the moment I found I didn’t have a memory card on me so had to go home and then the dog yomping over and nearly knocking over my tripod. Would have been YouTube Gold.
That is pretty awesome! I can imagine it must have been hard to do. I always want to photograph trees reflected in puddles, but they always come out really badly!
Hope the moving stress improves soon.
This took a few attempts Sarah. Trees can be very tricky to photograph I find. Maybe that’s hwat I should attempt next time.
When I first saw this photo I thought it was a tower in the middle of a river.
Reflections are a tricky beast
Have a good Sunday and thank you for linking up to #MySundayPhoto
Ahhhh, interesting comment that Darren. I’m kinda glad yuo saw somehitn gelse in teh image. Shows it has more than one perspective.
Oh my that’s so clever and such a great effect. Very impressive!
I am going to keep working on it Fiona. I think I need to improve my skills a bit when it comes to reflections.
You are so clever! Always trying out new things with your photographs!
Such a great effect! I’m impressed x
Very kind of you. Over the past year I have been totally captured by the photographic bug so I am always wanting to give new things a try.
That’s very cleverly done #MySundayPhoto
Thank you, I am kinda wondering if I should have chosen a different, more colourful subject but I think it works well for a first effort.