I don’t know about other mums and dads, but I am still putting the house together after six weeks of domestic neglect. While I’m almost on top of things, it has been a busy week and I’ve had little time to venture out with my camera. I took it upon myself to go out shortly after sunrise one morning as it was the only free time available to me. Inspired by something I had seen on Instagram, I had a vague plan to photograph a cobweb covered in dew.

I didn’t have much luck and it was only as I was about to give up and go home that I spotted this cobweb in the grass. It’s not the photo I had in mind at all, but it presented a challenge, having to take the image close to the ground.
It’s also noteworthy (if you are a photography geek) because I took it with an ND2 filter on the lens to reduce the amount of light in the image. I very, very rarely use filters so this was an experiment for me.
I also took the image below during my stroll. I was hoping for more detail of the trees in the distance but I felt it was a nicely-framed, atmospheric image that showed just how misty it was in the early morning.

Have you managed to make your house look presentable after the summer holidays? If you enjoy photography, what have you been taking photos of and have you ever used an ND2 lens?
I’ve added this post to the #MySundayPhoto linky hosted by the Photalife blog. Please do click on the badge below to pay the linky a visit to see wonderful imagery taken by other bloggers.
23 thoughts on “Cobweb and mist”
What a magical light, John. It’s been glorious this week but, like you, I hadn’t been able to get out (until yesterday). I love the little sunspots and always find them quite hard to get right. Yours is perfect. Love the misty shot too. I’ve never heard of an ND2 filter, it looks worth the effort of fiddling about. #MySundayPhoto
Ah, the sun flare. I do love a good flare although on this occasion I wasn’t intending to capture it, just made a part of the pic, albeit a welcome addition.
I love how you’ve captured the cobwebs, so delicate and pretty. And autumn is definitely almost here isn’t it? Our house still looks a bit of a mess and I keep trying to clean it. Nothing seems to be happening!
Oh I know where you’re coming from. There’s one room in this house that still hasn’t been vacuumed since the start of the holidays. Every day I try and do it but something happens and stops me.
These are beautiful captures John. I always find that there is something unexpected to photograph when out and about with a camera 🙂
Yes indeed, if you make the effort, you can almost always find something to photograph if you head out with your camera.
Beautiful images John. We’ve not had any misty mornings here yet
Have a good Sunday and thank you for linking up to #MySundayPhoto
No misty mornings yet? We’ve had several, although this was a highlight. My pleasure to link up.
The house is looking presentable (thanks to a lack of work, so that’s not exactly a positive!) and I’ve mainly been photographing guinea pigs!
These images are beautiful and very autumnal.
Glad to hear someone has a presentable house! I fear we don’t. Well, actually, it has been in a worse state so it doesn’t look too bad. I can see you’ve been having fun taking pics of the guinea pigs.
Hi John, sorry, I’m still wiping my tears away in answer to your question. Looking around the answer is an unequivocal no! I decided the house needed a bloody good sort out at a time when free time is short. Oh well, this time next month…
I’m going to take a note of that filter I do like the shadowy look or is that the time of day more than the filter? Dewy cobwebs are interesting subjects to photograph, they are so intricate. Your second photo reminds me of walking to school on a misty morning in the UK. It makes the world look like all mystical and magical.
#MySundayPhoto x
Ah, so my question made you cry with laughter? The filter definitely added the shadowy element. The world does certainly look beautiful at this time of year I think. great for photography!
I think it is a great shot, I love the burst of sunlight in the top corner
Thanks Moly. The burst of sunlight in the corner adds to the pic, I agree.
Beautiful photos….
I do love the misty mornings. They look so magical x
The misty mornings are a sure sign that autumn is on the way I think.
I’ve never used or heard of ND2 filter but will check it out. Love the misty morning shot with the sunburst.
I don’t think an ND2 filter is anything particularly special in fairness, I simply wondered what effect it would have on the pic! The misty morning pic has proven to be quite popular.
I only have a protective lens on my camera but think my next photography related purchase is a filter to help protect the camera from the sun. I guess there are plenty of times I would like to limit the dof and not let in too much light now that I think of it. A success with both photos, I wouldn’t have thought to look down for cobwebs.
Well Jeanna, it hadn’t occoured to me to look down, but it’s where I found that one! best of luck experimenting with filters.
Love the effect on both photos, Nature at it’s best.
Indeed, both pics appeal, albeit for very different reasons I think.
What a perfect Autumnal morning, mist, cobwebs, fog… welcome to Autumn! Love it! #Musundayphoto