It’s no secret I love writing about clothes, but footwear is something I’ve only done a few times. When I was sent an email from work wear specialist Dickies asking if I’d like to try out its Welton work boot I was like “meh”. Until, that is, I was informed that Kanye West has been seen sporting this look.
If the look is good enough for the man married to the world’s greatest living reality TV star, it’s good enough for me. I gave this some thought and felt it might be good fun to come up with a list of things Kanye and I have in common. Ya know, the multi-millionaire American rapper and the British stay at home dad blogger. Here we go, five things I have in common with Kanye…
Kanye grew up in Chicago. I grew up in the Cotswolds. Both begin with the letter c. I have, however, visited Chicago after an airline messed up my flight booking and sent me to O’Hare airport on the way back to London from New York City.

Although Kanye grew up in Chicago, he was born in Atlanta, Georgia. I once spent a night in Atlanta when I missed a connecting flight to Lima in Peru (this brings to an end our airline related similarities).
We are both fathers.
Kanye West is a rapper and I once recorded a rap song with my good friends The Disciples of Marvellous. No, you will never hear it. This I can promise you.
Kanye West headlined the Glastonbury Festival earlier this year. I have never headlined Glastonbury, but I have been to it.

Okay, so Kanye and I have nothing whatsoever in common. Apart, that is, from a pair of heavy work boots.
When I saw the boots I thought they were massive. They make quite a fashion statement, but I have noticed many other people wearing this style of footwear so, as winter nears, they’re obviously becoming quite popular.
The boots are available in tan (pictured) and brown. They retail for £54.95 a pair and can be purchased from the online Dickies store.
Disclosure; I was provided with a pair of Dickies Welton boots for review purposes. thoughts and opinions my own.
Pic credits; Knaye West image taken by David Shankbone. Reproduced under Creative Commons agreement. All other images; John Adams.
59 thoughts on “Kanye West and I”
Solid boots! Love the comparisons between you and Kanye 🙂 I’m going to Atlanta next year, wonder if I will bump into him…
Enjoy Atlanta! It was only my second ever taste of the USA and it’s definitely a place with a distinct character.
I love your connections to Kanye, but do you love yourself as much as Kanye loves Kanye ha… The boots are fab, Ive never heard of Dickies store, but as the mister wants some new boots it is a good place to start x
I would be deeply worried if I loved myself as much as Kanye loves Kanye! Thanks for commenting.
Love your (non) connections to Kanye. I often get called Kanye through email (my name is Kaye). *facepalm* Boots look fab though, perfect for Winter. #twinklytuesday
Well Kaye, I know what not to call you! Boots are massive, but fun. Will be wearing them today in fact.
‘We are both fathers’. Genius, John. And I don’t use that term lightly.
Nice boots. They’d look great over in our neck of the woods – South London. In fact, my South London husband is a frequent wearer of huge work boots (literally – he wears size 11), both casually and at work (as an electrician). I own a pair that I purchased ‘back in the day’ (circa 2002), which I now use for rambling in. They’re Timberlands, in tan. I am now known to sport my rather fetching 8-hole white Dr Marten boots on a casual basis. They supposedly represent my ‘alternative’ side.
Anyway, back to the Dickies. They’re actually rather fetching, and a very reasonable price. Nice conservatory too… or is it a chair in a car park?
That was indeed the conservatory. It has good natural photography for lighting. The supermarket car park, well that’s okay for a quick Instagram snap. Anyway, I am sure your white DMs will stand out in rural Kent! Maybe get some Dubarry for formal occasions, non?
Lol – very good. The boots do look good, not too sure about Kanye but I have also been to Atlanta and Chicago (only the airports for connections/mess ups) Atlanta airport had a nice Starbucks in a book shop from memory #twinklytuesday
See, now you got me thinking about the cream cheese bagel I ordered at Chicago O’Hare :Can I please have a cream cheese and vegetable bagel”?
“No, vegetable and cream cheese”
To this day, a decade later, I am still figuring that one out.
I love a man in boots, apart from Kanye it has to be said. I think it’s much cause for celebration that you are not alike! #TwinklyTuesday
*whispers* yes I’m quite glad we are poles apart.
DJ & boots – it’s a bold look! One you will be sporting over the Christmas & NY period?
I shall point my husband in the direction of the boots as I think he’d like them. I might not tell him Kanye wears them as he is not a fan! Did enjoy your comparisons though. If there’s ever a tenuous link to KW on the Chris Evan’s breakfast show, you’ve got it nailed.
This has proved such a hit I may have to make some other outrageous comparisons in future blog posts! Thanks for commenting and good luck speaking to your husband.
Haha I love anything Kanye so I’m now wondering if I should buy these boots for my husband. I was totally devestated with the yeezys sold out. One of them was meant to have my name on it! #twinklytuesday
Well, Christmas is on the horizon. You could buy them for yourself if you’re such a big fan???
Seriously, twins! I am curious to hear your rap recording though.
No no no no no! You will never hear it. I went all MC Solar and some of it is in appalling French. Glad you picked up on the likeness. Wonder if Kim could tell us apart?
Your rap song couldn’t be any worse than his are
Jeremy, I like your style. While I am no fan of Kanye’s music, I have to say his rap would be far superior to my effort!
Hahaha….at least you didn’t say you were a self proclaimed GOD! Kanye is a very interesting person….so are you 🙂 love this post and it made us chuckle…all Kanye tends to do is raise our eyebrows. #TwinklyTuesday
Er, yeah, Kanye does have a tendency to self elevate in pretty epic proportions doesn’t he? Not really my style….but I will wear the boots!
I love your Kanye comparisons…brilliant. I hope that’s as far as your comparisons go though, I can’t stand him or his idiot wife! Thanks for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday
I can assure you Mrs Adams and Mrs Kardishian are completely different. I struggle to get my wife on the blog so the odds on her appearing in a reality TV show are nil! Thankfully.
Hehe, your Kanye comparisons are fab. Onto the boots though…. I love Dickies boots – I used to have to wear them for work and they were brilliant. Not sure I would ever wear them out and about on the street though! #TwinklyTuesday
I’ll let you into a secret….I have been wearing them out and about on the street. Even on the school run.
The boots look great.
You do realise you are going to have to release that rap song at some point now, you cant go around anouncing you have done things like that and then not come up with the evidence 😉
I regret to inform you that I have no plans whatsoever to #sharetherapsongwithyou! Or anybody else. recorded at sill o’clock in the morning in a friend’s recording studio when I was about 20. And it’s partly sung in French.
Haha love it. These boots rock. Even if you have diddly squat in common with the K man #sharewithme
Hey, we live on the same planet so we DO have something in common.
Hahaha … love the 5 things you have in common. Those boots look great and definitely something to add to list of potential presents for the hubby! #ShareWithMe
I think these boots are going on the Christmas list for sooo many people! Thanks for commenting.
Creepy, he’s clearly stalking you. Those boots are great – good christmas pressie option! #brillblogposts
Would a restraining order at this stage be overkill do you think?
Haha love this post! I wonder which star I could tediously link myself too, who else was born in a place beginning with S? Great boots, something my hubby would be interested in being a bloke n all. Stopping by from #brilliantblogposts Lizzie xo
Palo Nuttini…Jack Bruce…Jim Diamond. All were born in Scotland?? I look forward to reading THAT blog post.
All I can think about now is wanting to hear your rap. Now that you’ve got the boots maybe you should re-record said rap! Jeremy is right, can’t be worse than Kayne’s. 🙂
I guess I could update it for the 21st century. It was, after all, recorded in the 1990s!
The only way one ever ought to be compared with Kanye! Good one John. #brilliantblogposts
Glad you liked it Lucy. Must say I’m secretly quite pleased we have nothing in common.
I’d love my man to wear some of these, I’m getting strong 90’s vibes which is well cool. Alas he is committed to his clarks loafers. You look fierce.
Thank you Charlene. I’ve never been called fierce before, but I like it.
You are rocking these boots – must be the Kanye effect! Actually I think we could all benefit from being a little more Kanye, it must be fun to be quite fun to be that into yourself #brillblogposts
I’ll let you into a secret; I don’t really want to be like Kanye. But don’t tell anyone…
I think this might be one of my favourite posts you’ve written John – absolute genius and I love the boots. I was hoping for a bit more airport catastrophes but the thought of you rapping will suffice.
Thanks for linking up to #TheList xx
Trust me, you don’t want to hear that rap song. Delighted to hear you liked the post so much.
Wow, you and Kanye are so alike, it’s uncanny. This post made me laugh. My hub would love a pair of these boots, possible Christmas present maybe x #TheList
I have a strange feeling these boots are going to be quite popular as Christmas presents.
Cool review angle. Lovely boots (good price and style), and a comparison in the (probably) only way you could do it. 🙂 #TheList
I cannot think of any other way I could compare myself to Mr West.
Most creative clothing review I’ve read in a while! Who’d have thought you and Mr West would have so much in common!
Hi John, you and Kanye have so much in common it’s scary!…Okay, maybe not, but nice try (and it did make me smile). The boots do look perfect for winter wear even if you don’t work outside.
Hahah! Genius! Those workboots are HUGE! Love the links between Kanye and yourself, I’m a bit of a Kanye fan you know-need to hear that rap of yours! Thanks for linking!
The boots are indeed uge. And let me make clear, you will never hear that rap!
Great review love the Kanye comparison too funny. Thank you for linking up to Share With Me and I hope to see you again tomorrow for another great round. #sharewithme
I just think it’s a real shame Disciples of Marvellous disbanded ?
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Ha ha amazing! One of the funniest reviews I’ve seen to date. Think these boots are totally school run appropriate, scooter proof and everything. Which is, I’m sure, what Kanye loves about them 😉