
Looking across the Bristol Channel from Porthcawl

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Towards the end of the summer holidays, Helen, Izzy and I briefly visited Wales. We stayed at Porthcawl and I was mesmerised by the landscape. If I hadn’t been flying solo with the kids, I could happily have spent a day or two shooting pictures.

Porthcawl, Wales, dadbloguk, dadbloguk.com uk dad blogger, photographer, Bristol Channel
Looking across the Bristol Channel from Porthcawl. I wasn’t entirely sold on this image until Photoshop gave me a little hand.

The image above is one I took during our brief stay. It was taken just before sunset as we strolled along the coastal path where Porthcawl meets the Bristol Channel.

I usually stick away from taking landscape images like this. I generally find someone has already taken much better picture and that it’s available to buy as a postcard!

I wasn’t sold on this image until I started playing with it in Photoshop. Not to put too finer a point on it, I recently updated Photoshop and discovered a new function called dehaze. I tried it out and it softened the clouds and highlighted those wonderful rays of sunlight coming from. It improved the image hugely and so I thought I would post it on the blog.

We thoroughly enjoyed out short stay in Porthcawl, a town that ism, bizarrely, famous for holding an annual Elvis Presley convention! I have no doubt Helen and Izzy will insist on returning next year.

Are you familiar with the landscape of Wales? Have you ever been on a photographic adventure there? If so, where do you think the best photographic opportunities can be found? I’d love to get some suggestions as I’m ashamed to say I don’t know Wales particularly well.

26 thoughts on “Looking across the Bristol Channel from Porthcawl”

    1. It’s rare for me for try landscape shots Sarah. Sometimes other people have just done better than me. Well, actually, most of the time! Anyway, with a bit of editing I am pleased this one came out the way it did.

  1. What a beautiful sight. I love what you’ve done to it. You might remember we went to Wales this year. I could have stopped to take a photo approximately every 30 seconds. So beautiful. Follow visitwales on insta, some amazing shots on there.

  2. That is such a lovely photo and it looks like a great place to visit (especially for Elvis fans! He still lives on.) I haven’t been to Wales in a such a long time, it was a toss up between Tenby or Cornwall for our holiday next year but we finally decided on Cornwall.

    1. Well, Cornwall isn’t *that* far away and it definitely has some great scenery as well. Thanks for your kind words.

  3. Paul @ Topsy Turvy Tribe

    Debase definitely worked iit’s magic on those clouds. Wales is a pretty scenic place. So much to explore. We’ve only really explore North Wales. Would love to see more of Pembrokeshire.

    1. Ooo, North Wales. Never been to North Wales. in fact this was the furthest I’d been there. Thanks for the recommendations.

  4. Hi John, it’s a shame that holiday kennels aren’t available for children so we can wander off to take photos. Maybe a business opportunity for the taking? I think it would be popular… I love the contrasts in the photos. The dramatic clouds with the bright sun bursting through. Your photo feels like the end of the day.



    1. It was just before sunset when I took that. As for holiday kennels. it would be one of those things wouldn’t it? your kids would make a huge fuss about being put in them, but wouldn’t want to come home afterwards!

  5. Spectrum Mum ????

    What a beautiful shot. Like the sky is opening up and the angels are taking a peek at the sea. Love it! ???? #mysundayphoto

  6. I am not familiar but it sounds dreamy and I could use that right about now. The kids are very lucky traveling with you. It turned out great and I know what you mean but sometimes it’s too tempting to take that photo, after all there’s a reason people take those shots. It’s cool how you got that wide strip of reflection but can’t see much of the sun.

    1. Wales is very photogenic. Think of New England as a comparison. Likewise, i think I was lucky to travel with my kids. Moments like that are precious.

  7. Lovely seascape John.

    I spent many a happy holiday and school trip in Wales.

    My preference would be on some of the Mountain Ranges.

    Snowdonia or The Brecon Beacons for landscapes.

    Then of course there is a plethora of Castles.

    You should certainly visit for logger with your camera and drone.


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