Some days ago, I noticed some dramatic cloud formations in the sky. I grabbed my camera, took myself to the top of the house and started taking pictures out of a Velux window. This is one of about 20 images I took and in its physical form, the clouds and this break in the clouds looked incredibly ominous.

Sure enough, shortly after I took this image it rained. We’re not talking about a small shower either, I mean it was an incredibly heavy downpour.
The cloud images I took l looked very impressive as thumbnails, but once blown-up full size, I wasn’t sure any of them was good enough to be reproduced. I happened to be looking at this picture and attempting a subtle edit when Mrs Adams walked in to the room and voiced the opinion that it was a good photo. Based on Mrs Adams’ opinion, I’m reproducing the picture here to see what my readers think of it!
One thing does stand out for me, and that’s the break in the clouds right in the centre of the picture. The clouds were moving very fast and it was the only shot I got with a perfectly formed break between the darker clouds above and white clouds underneath.
Do tell me, do you think Mrs Adams was right? Do you like the drama of the image or do you find it just a bit grey?
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28 thoughts on “A break in the clouds”
It’s an impressive photo to me it looks like an opening to another time and you have a short time to get through it before it closes. Very dramatic shot John
Oh I did have to take that one very quickly Nigel, yes,. The skies were constantly moving.
The clear lines of the lighter clouds make it dramatic. I’d have been tempted to move the gap up off centre in the photo, but maybe it needs the contrast. So often get disappointed when I see the photo blown up on my screen. #MySundayPhoto
I may just try that as an experiment. I can imagine your idea might work very well.
I think it’s stunning. I love looking up at what the clouds produce #mysundayphoto
Thank Mary, many people agree so it seems Mrs Adams was correct.
It is like a mouth of blue willing to break through, sounds like the rain won though!
it is isn’t it? that’s kind-of what I was thinking when I took the picture.
I am fascinated by all skies. I like it! #MySundayPhoto
Glad to hear it. On this ocassion, I think you came to the right place.
such a great photo! I do love the sky before the rain
Oh wow did it rain. Thanks for commenting.
Love the lighter clouds on the right hand side, trying but failing to push through
They did, after many hours and a heavy storm, push through. But it took a lot of time!
Love the hope that the rain is going and the sun will be out.
Have a good Sunday and thank you for joining in with #MySundayPhoto
Alas, rain came first followed by sunshine! Thanks for hosting your splendid linky.
I love cloud formations and being a photographer myself they can make or break a wedding photograph. No cloud is the worst, with just a grey boring sky!
Oh, yes, I find photography in grey skies very difficult too. I totally understand why you don’t like those conditions.
Yes she was spot on. It’s a really good picture and it looks like you could actually run on those clouds. A break in the cloud always looks doomy but always full of hope too!
I love your perspective. I hadn’t thought of that, doomy yet full of hope. That’s great.
I’m with Mrs Adams – I like it! For me, it’s the brightness on the lower clouds that does it.
Yes, they really contrast with the darker, higher clouds don’t they?
Well, yes, I can see why you’d say that Tom. Believe it or not, that pic was taken in mid-afternoon.
I’m with Mrs Adams on this one – great capture! Very atmospheric. #MySundayPhoto
Yes, the picture definitely has atmosphere doesn’t it?
Its yin and yang. Dark and light. It deserves a space in your blog. I agree with Mrs Adams =)
Glad to hear Mrs Adams got it right on this occasion!