Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine the beard would become fashionable in my lifetime. How wrong was I?
A short while ago I branched out and started blogging about men’s style. As a result, I frequently receive look books and promotional materials from fashion brands and the men pictured in them are very often sporting beards.
You only have to take a brisk walk down any high street and you’ll see young guys sporting full facial beards. Some years ago I did, for about a year, sport facial hair of about three millimetres all round my face but the beards I see these days are far superior.
Since the birth of my second daughter, I have generally sported designer stubble of about one millimetre. This was originally due to the speed at which I could trim the stubble each day but my wife now tells me I look strange and doesn’t like it when I am completely clean shaven. Needless to say, the stubble has stayed.
Trimming is the key word here. Whether you have a little stubble like me, or a full facial beard, keeping your facial hair trimmed and smart is the key. Thankfully grooming products have improved immensely over the years and you can find a very impressive array here.
I may be very wrong, but I think this is what has made the beard acceptable again. The beards guys wear these days are, more often than not, impeccably trimmed and look very smart.
I have considered going the whole way and wearing a full beard myself. It turns out there is one superb benefit for doing so. If you have a beard, UV rays can’t get to your skin so you keep your youthful looks younger.
Who knows, maybe I will do it. If I did, I’d be investing in a heavy duty trimmer to make sure it was kept well under control.
This commissioned post was written in association with My Beard trimmer. Pic credit: Lukeisback.com Sourced from Wikipedia and reproduced under Creative Commons agreement 2.0. For further information about collaborative posts or Creative Commons agreements please see my disclosure page.
7 thoughts on “Has the beard trimmer made facial hair fashionable again?”
Have had a beard for the last 7 years. Through laziness to start with then because I looked strange without it. I went from scruffy hobo to dodgy looking adult/teen. It looked wrong. Since then I have fluttered between full blown beard of monstrous size to stubble. Recently though I’m sporting some where between beard and stubble. I think it looks good. Have always been an admirer of beards and the styles people choose. I think your right though I think a good trimmer has made the difference. I decided to get a new one and the array of choices was incredible, especially when looking back to 7 years ago. I’m not sure if the advanced innovation has allowed people to opt for an array of styles or if because people were sporting an array that they advanced.
My trimmer has broken so I will be investing properly in a heavy duty one….so who knows what this will do for my future fashion habits.
I think we need a few photo-led blog posts; The Many Beards of Martyn Kitney.
Haven’t seen Dave Navarro for a while… His facial hair is a bit too perfect, but I guess it suits his look. My husband Ian totally gave up close, wet shaves, because they irritate his skin so much. He’s on his second beard trimmer, as he likes to be relatively clean-shaven, but just not closely so. He has about the same amount of facial hair as a teenager, so he couldn’t grow a proper beard if he wanted to.
That’s a great list of beard trimmers to choose from on the Beard Trimmers website. Will add to the bookmarks (o:
I am lucky, I can do close wet shaves, but I generally go for the designer stubble approach! Navarro’s facial hair is quite often a work of art. Bit too much hassle for someone with two young kids!
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It’s so cool. I love your beard
really glad to hear you like the facial hair. thaks for commenting and do come back again.