
Photographing butterflies (again)

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Still bitten by the nature photography bug, I’ve been out in my favourite patch of common land photographing the flora and fauna. I had an amazing piece of luck when I managed to get a picture of this butterfly resting on a flower.

photographing butterflies, butterfly, moth, photography, MySUndayPhoto, #MySundayPhoto, common land, nature photography, dadbloguk, dad blog uk, dadbloguk.com, school run dad,
I love the detail in this image, plus the dramatic mix of colours of the butterfly’s wings.

Regular readers will know that I recently spent a lot of time trying to get pics of butterflies. Back in July I was fortunate to get this image of a different butterfly resting with its wings open.

I think the above picture, however, is slightly better. In my opinion, this is purely down to the amazing, contrasting colours on the butterfly’s wings and the purple of the flower (I believe it to be a butterfly and not a moth as the antenna are not feather-like or saw-edged, but if anyone knows differently, please let me know!).

I hope you like the image too. I certainly think is very dramatic and beautiful in equal measures. I also love the level of detail, especially on the flower.

Surprisingly, the butterfly stayed still for quite sometime. I certainly wasn’t expecting it to. Most of the other butterflies I have photographed have been exceedingly camera shy and moved on very, very quickly.

I have added the picture to the #MySundayPhoto blogging linky hosted by the Photalife blog. It’s a great linky that takes place every Sunday that enables bloggers to showcase their photographic skills. If you are into photography, I thoroughly recommend you click on the badge below and take a look.



30 thoughts on “Photographing butterflies (again)”

    1. Yes, this is true Sarah. Maybe I will get a couple more photographs this week? That said, I haven’t seen many butterflies to photograph.

  1. Paul @ Topsy Turvy Tribe

    Such a beautiful shot. The colours are simply stunning, such a contrast between the butterfly and the flower.

  2. Gorgeous collection and great detail John. I’ve photographed lots of butterfly’s and bees during this summer which is quite an achievement with not having much summer to talk of. Maybe we’ll be lucky and have an Indian Summer!

  3. I did like the other one as well, especially the lovely background blur but I can’t argue with your assessment of the color contrasts here. It’s so vivid and detailed and you also have the perfect amount of blur to show off the flower and butterfly. Amazing colors on this critter and cool how you’ve captured a sticky texture.

    1. I can’t remember if I took this in close-up mode or adjusted the aperture myself, but glad you like the blurring and depth of field.

  4. Hi Darren, I do believe that once you get a thing for photographing small creatures it can become quite consuming. Time passes quickly when stalking bugs and things and we do the funniest of things regardless who’s watching. Are you visible to others when you are stalking your creatures? And you know what? When you ‘capture’ a butterfly like this who cares? It is a dramatic looking butterfly, made to look all the more dramatic by the delicately coloured flower. Well captured!


    1. Oh yes, I so get this. When out with a camera (or even better….a drone!) you nevr can be too sure how people are going to react. the end result, however, us usually worth it.

  5. Well it is Saturday and I of course are doing my late commenting and I am not going to lie I always look forward to finding yours!
    You really have been bitten by the nature bug but i think that is why I am always loving your photos! I am so torn……is this better than the other butterfly? I dont know. I totally love the colours and the contrast between the butterfly and flower! What I also love is the capture of the legs and antenna. But, I also think the capture of the wings open is one of the million in one shots. Anyway, enough of my ramblings, love the photo as always! See you tomorrow on #mysundayphoto

    1. Late commenting is better than no commenting and you always leave the most amazing comments Martyn so you’re welcome! Sorry to leave you torn between the different photos. Until next week!

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